Call today: 054-6022249

Call today: 08-6225225

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Do you have any questions?

We have answers that will help!

Most of the flight companies calculate 1:5 , and some 1:6 . The formula for calculation is :Length X Width X High Divide the result into 6000 or 5000 depended on the flight company

Yes you do . We can arrange car number for you

Depending on whether yoou have rights of new immigrant or returning resident

Yes we do . we have a very big customers of the biggest courier companies and you can enjoy our special prices and services

Yes you will have extra charge , each company has her own charges.

Except Saturdays and holidays we are available all the time and even in the evening when all the shipping companies finish their work

All you have to do is give us the supplier details and we will rest, we will update you in each step.